The War Inside
Do you ever feel as though you should be doing something more with your life but you are unsure as to what it is? Do you ever find yourself experiencing feelings of doubt, hesitancy, or inadequacy when you approach a goal that you’ve established? If so, now is the time for self-reflection. In our daily lives, many of us are on the treadmill of life running as fast as we can manage. We strive to climb the corporate ladder, to outperform our competitors, and hopefully be able to get rich so that retirement is a possibility.
These are great aspirations, however, many who achieve even a small portion of success in their prospective lanes find themselves questioning if they are on the right path. These questions come from a lack of knowing and living your life’s purpose.
The world is full of information on the topic of purpose ranging from quotes to inspiring speeches. The issue is that we’ve been conditioned to look in the wrong direction and we never identify or our purpose. When you aren’t living in alignment with your purpose, there is a continuous conflict that stirs within.
The Urgent Resolve
The conflict within is what I like to refer to as the Urgent Resolve. It’s a part of you that disrupts your sleep and interrupts your moments of peace. When you’re relaxing on vacation, it grabs your once relaxed mind and tugs at you to get your attention. When you engage in certain activities that resonate with you, it overwhelms you with joy and tries to grab your focus. This internal prompting recognizes that you aren’t living life according to your purpose and it battles with you to keep you from accepting mediocrity in your life.
We’ve all felt this nudge when we’ve been in certain job roles and situations that we never should have entertained. We usually ignore its’ prompting and tell ourselves that we are fine and that it’s no big deal. Unfortunately tuning out this urge results in you staying in bad relationships, wasting your resources, and living a life of angst and frustration.
Symptoms Of Living A Purposeless Lifestyle
When you aren’t walking in your purpose, life is extremely stressful. You drag yourself out of bed, race through traffic and arrive at a business or job that you despise. You feel like your ideas and creativity are suppressed and your voice is muted. You may be the most talented person in your field, but you always find yourself working for less talented people. You feel stuck, that your progress has stopped or that you are constantly taking detours and making U-turns in your professional or personal life. You find yourself yielding constantly to terrible people and circumstances to maintain peace and employment.
Out of these frustrations, you enroll in courses, take up hobbies and maybe even change professions to make a lasting change in your life. You create vision boards and establish goals in hopes that their achievement will make your life better but once you have completed your entire list of goals, you feel lost. It’s like driving in unfamiliar territory, the weather is foggy and you’ve lost the signal to your GPS. All of the actions you took to gain momentum only brought you right back to where you originally started. There is nothing more frustrating than being lost in unfamiliar territory with no way to get assistance. It destroys your drive, limits your vision, and chips away at your self-confidence. There is a better way. Discover your life’s purpose!
Your life’s purpose contains the roadmap to your success and personal fulfillment. Your purpose contains the actions you should take, decisions you need to make, and the plans that will bring you everything you need to fulfill it. When you discover your purpose, you begin to approach life with a different perspective and your level of impact is maximized. Your purpose is already inside you, but it must be discovered.
How To Start The Process Of Discovery
We are born instinctively knowing our purpose but it gets conditioned out of us from our family, colleagues, religion, and education. This creates a false sense of identity that doesn’t align with your authentic self. We then develop a pattern of looking outside ourselves for answers to our life’s challenges. We seek mentors, coaches, and the advice of experts, but usually, this still leaves you with a sense of uncertainty. Mentors can be a great resource, but what happens if you never establish a relationship with one? What if you find yourself in dire situations but you have no one to lean on? I’ve been there myself and it’s difficult to find solutions when you’ve become too dependent on others for advice and guidance.
The key to discovering your life purpose is to pay attention to the Urgent Resolve. Start to look within and begin to identify what are your gifts, what ignites passion within you, and what skills you naturally possess. Permit yourself to revisit the things you wanted to do as a child. Ask yourself if there is a way to put together a plan of pursuing those ideas and if by taking intentional actions towards their achievement, where they might take you. Allow yourself to dream again and take notice of what inspires you.
About The Author
Melvin D Nix is a spiritual teacher, author, and motivational speaker. He currently hosts a weekly broadcast called “Putting On The Pneu You” (pronounced New You) where he teaches how to apply universal spiritual concepts and principles in an easy to understand format so anyone can apply them and see tangible results in their daily lives.
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