How To Go From Being Blocked To Blessed: Receiving The Lessons From Life’s Obstacles

Are You Blocked Or Blessed?- Pneu You

The Arrival Of An Unforeseen Detour

Obstacles and roadblocks are some of the most unwelcomed occurrences that happen in daily lives. They tend to show up at the most inconvenient moments and create periods of frustration and angst. We’ve all been there. You get out of bed late and remember that you have an important meeting scheduled. You hop in the shower, throw your clothes on, jump into the car and speed down the highway to get to your meeting. As you are cruising along through traffic, and all of a sudden everything comes to a screeching halt. You discover that the road ahead is completely shut down due to construction and you will be forced to take a detour. You were already running late and now you risk missing your meeting because you had no idea that your trip would be stalled due to an unforeseen roadblock. Normally, being late + an obstacle = the formula for a terrible day.  Obstacles and roadblocks don’t necessarily ruin your day if you learn to embrace them as a teacher.

Why We Dislike Obstacles

Most people don’t care for delays of any sort. When we set out to achieve a goal or to complete a task, we typically have created plans or a strategy to ensure our success.  However, when an obstacle arrives in our lives, it shifts our plans and has the potential to alter our effectiveness. Here are a few reasons why we dislike obstacles…

  • They Are Unexpected
  • They Create Delays
  • They Force Us To Change Our Plans

Although obstacles and roadblocks slow us down and make us choose a different course of action, they can be a major blessing in our lives. We must learn to look at them from a different perspective. 

How Obstacles Can Enrich Our Lives

Obstacles and roadblocks can lead us down the right path to our destiny and preserve us from dangers along the way if we learn to embrace them rather than avoid them. Whether it’s a financial crisis, an illness or a loss, we can still find value, hope, healing, and direction if we learn to channel the energy from the detour into a positive situation. I’m not implying that this is an easy process. All change is difficult, but if you learn to work with obstacles, you will be stronger and wiser in the end. 

Obstacles Make Us Focus On The Present Moment

Many times when an obstacle arrives, we find that we have been so distracted by the things around us that our lives have lost our focus and are in the middle of a tailspin. When a roadblock occurs, it makes you slow down and reassess the situations that are occurring. Being mentally aware and present during life’s challenges allows you to have clarity and insight. You begin to see things with clearer vision because your mind is completely focused on what is directly in front of you.  

They Often Protect Us From Unforeseen Danger

Similar to roadblocks and detours on the highway, an obstacle oftentimes may keep you from making the wrong decisions and protect you from dangerous situations. Think of the times you may have wanted to get a particular job with a certain company. You submitted your application, went through a series of interviews only to receive the dreaded email that says another candidate was selected. You may be upset for a while and nervous because you desperately need the job. Fast forward, you took another opportunity that turned out to be even better for you. Weeks later you find out that the company you wanted to work with went out of business and laid off their entire staff. The anxiety that permeated your mind due to what appeared as a lost opportunity instantaneously became filled with gratitude and joy because you were seemingly spared. There are many occasions such as relationships that failed, plans that didn’t go your way, or people who walked out of your life that turned out to be more beneficial to you rather than a detriment.  

They Reveal Our True Character

When we are challenged is when our true nature comes to the surface. The actions we take, decisions we make, and the things we say when the pressure of an obstacle shows us where we truly have grown and where we may need to improve. When roadblocks happen, are you calm, relaxed, and confident or are you nervous, tense, and in a panic? Are you thoughtful and innovative or frantically spiraling out of control? When an obstacle shows up, take notice of your attitude and demeanor and it may reveal some things about yourself that you weren’t aware of.

How To Receive The Life Lesson From An Obstacle

Obstacles can be a catalyst for positive change, they can be the source of marvelous innovation and they can be the starting point of massive personal growth. It’s all about how you choose to view the roadblock when it’s arrived. Here are some simple keys to embracing the lesson from an obstacle…

  • Stop to observe and reflect on why the obstacle is in your life
  • See the obstacle as a helper rather than a hindrance
  • Listen for intuitive guidance that may be presenting itself to you as a solution

When those unexpected moments of delay show up, take a deep breath, get into a relaxed state and ask yourself, ”What can I learn from this situation?”, “What decisions do I need to make to strengthen any weak areas of my life?”, “How can I ensure that this problem never happens to me or anyone else again?” The answers to all of these questions and more can be found within the very obstacle that is standing in your way!

About The Author

Melvin D Nix is a spiritual teacher, author, and motivational speaker. He currently hosts a weekly broadcast called “Putting On The Pneu You” (pronounced New You) where he teaches how to apply universal spiritual concepts and principles in an easy to understand format so anyone can apply them and see tangible results in their daily lives.

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